The BSGs Draft Climate Action Plan

The following outlines the draft climate action plan proposed by the BSGs climate action working group.  If you have any comments or would like to join the working group, please contact or use the contact form on the website.

  • Undertake a baseline survey of the carbon footprint associated with the BSG’s activities and report results to the EC and Society members.
  • Ask BSG grant applicants to consider the environmental impacts of their proposed activities and any mitigation strategies (see Appendix 1). This might include demonstration of alignment with their own organisation’s environmental policies and practices and/or use of established methods for determining when the reward from any individual piece of travel associated with BSG-supported activities is lower than the risk associated with the carbon produced (e.g. see the Tyndall Centre method).
  • Run committee meetings online unless there is a strong argument for face to face meetings.
  • Ongoing monitoring of the carbon footprint associated with the BSG’s activities to track trends over time, especially computer modelling, data processing and storage.
  • Continuing to offer, and to develop, alternative options for physical attendance at the Annual Meeting and other meetings (e.g. more options for online attendance) to reduce the need for travel, while still remaining committed to supporting scientific communication and widening access and participation.
  • Investigate and advise on the practicalities and ethics of offsetting the carbon footprint of BSG activities as part of committing the Society towards working towards carbon neutrality.