A mixture of geomorphological features on a postcard including why geomorphology is important.
The British Society for Geomorphology members and geomorphologists around the world have produced educational materials for students, and enthusiasts, of all ages. Below you can find links to some of the freely available resources out there. All links are external content and unless stated the BSG have not been involved in the creation of these resources.
If you have or know of any resources please contact us bsg@geomorphology.org.uk so we may add them to the list.

Beat the Flood by Practical Action
Not strictly geomorphology, these downloadable resources help students understand issues around flooding and building flood resilient houses.

Earth Learning Idea
Lots of free, downloadable educational materials covering everything to do with the Earth, available on the website.

EmRiver YouTube Channel
Little River Research & Design, creator of the popular EmRiver Stream Tables, have produced educational videos showing fluvial and coastal geomorphology in action and a supporting Teaching Guide (PDF download).

Flash Flood! by University of Hull
Suppoted by a BSG Outreach Grant, The SeriousGeoGames Lab’s Flash Flood! recreates a real flash flood in virtual reality using real field data, allowing you to witness the wall of water and change to geomorphology first-hand.
Deatils of how to use Flash Flood! at home can be found in the link.

JurassicGirl YouTube Channel
Videos by JurassicGirl (Dr Anjana Khatwa) exploring the rural landscape from the perspective of a BAME person, discussing both the physical landscape and diversity.

Lake District by Royal Geographical Society
Downloadable resources, including maps, covering the landscapes, geomorphology, and geology of the Lake District.

Landscapes Live
Weekly Geomorphology themed seminar series featuring presentations of the latest research by world-leading academics. Watch past presentations and find out more about upcoming ones on the website.

Landscape Systems by Prof Martin Evans
Downloadable briefing document for A-Level teachers, covering geomorphology and landscape systems.

PATICE by AntarticGlaciers.org
Online and downloadable resources about the Patagonian Ice Sheet, including an interactive map.

Shore Shapers
Free, downloadable resources about the processes that shape coastlines and wildlife that lives there.

The SeriousGeoGames Lab YouTube Channel
360 and Drone flight videos covering flooding and fluvial geomorphology.

Time for Geography
The Time for Geography website is full of free videos covering many geography topics, including in geomorphology, such as river erosion processes and sand dune management.

Virtual Glaciers by University of Worcester
Supported by a BSG Outreach Grant, provides virtual field trips of glaciated regions featuring high-resolution 360 photography. The website contains several virtual field trips and lots of supporting resources.

Virtual Landscapes by University of Leeds
Virtual and explorable landscapes and geology field trips. The website contains several different explorable landscapes.